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GOP amplifies Noncitizen voting debate in 2024, which is already illegal in fed. election

Voting by noncitizens already is illegal in federal elections and there is no indication it’s happening anywhere in significant numbers. Yet Republican lawmakers at the federal and state levels are throwing their energy behind the issue, introducing legislation and fall ballot measures. The activity ensures the issue will remain at the forefront of voters’ minds in the months ahead.

Quick Read

  • Political Tension Over Noncitizen Voting: The issue of noncitizen voting has escalated into a major talking point for Republicans, highlighting urgent calls for stricter voting laws amidst high levels of illegal immigration.
  • Legal Background and Republican Actions: Voting by noncitizens is already illegal in federal elections, and there is minimal evidence to suggest significant occurrences of such incidents. Despite this, Republican lawmakers at both state and federal levels are actively pursuing legislation and ballot measures to emphasize the issue.
  • Republican Legislative Efforts: The proposed SAVE (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility) Act by Republicans in Congress demands proof of citizenship for voter registration. Simultaneously, GOP-led legislatures in at least six states have introduced ballot measures concerning noncitizen voting for the November elections, with more states considering similar actions.
  • Democratic Critique: Democrats criticize these Republican efforts as distractions intended to sow doubt about election integrity, linking them to former President Donald Trump’s strategies to challenge election outcomes.
  • Evidence and Reality of Noncitizen Voting: Instances of noncitizen voting are extremely rare, with stringent checks already in place. For example, Ohio’s recent review found a minuscule number of noncitizens on voter rolls, and similar audits in other states have shown negligible impact on election outcomes.
  • Risks of Proposed Republican Measures: Experts and Democrats argue that additional ID requirements could disenfranchise eligible voters who may not readily have necessary documents like birth certificates. They contend that existing safeguards are sufficient to prevent illegal voting by noncitizens.
  • Local Noncitizen Voting Rights: Some local jurisdictions in the U.S., like San Francisco and the District of Columbia, allow noncitizens to vote in certain local elections, which has also become a point of contention, with some states moving to block such practices through legislation or constitutional amendments.
  • Political and Public Reaction: The debate over noncitizen voting rights is intensifying political divisions, with Republicans using it as a rallying issue for their base, while Democrats and voting rights advocates view it as an unnecessary and potentially harmful distraction.

The Associated Press has the story:

GOP amplifies Noncitizen voting debate in 2024, which is already illegal in fed. election

Newslooks- NEW YORK (AP) —

One political party is holding urgent news conferences and congressional hearings over the topic. The other says it’s a dangerous distraction meant to seed doubts ahead of this year’s presidential election.

In recent months, the specter of immigrants voting illegally in the U.S. has erupted into a leading election-year talking point for Republicans. They argue that legislation is necessary to protect the sanctity of the vote as the country faces unprecedented levels of illegal immigration at its southern border.

Bryan Steil, R-Wis., chairman of the Committee on House Administration, displays a large photo of an unlocked election ballot drop box in Washington, during a hearing about noncitizen voting in U.S. elections. on Capitol Hill, Thursday, May 16, 2024 in Washington. In recent months, the specter of noncitizens voting in the U.S. has erupted into a leading rallying cry for Republicans. (AP Photo/John McDonnell)

Voting by noncitizens already is illegal in federal elections and there is no indication it’s happening anywhere in significant numbers. Yet Republican lawmakers at the federal and state levels are throwing their energy behind the issue, introducing legislation and fall ballot measures. The activity ensures the issue will remain at the forefront of voters’ minds in the months ahead.

Republicans in Congress are pushing a bill called the SAVE (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility) Act, which would require proof of citizenship to register to vote. Meanwhile, Republican legislatures in at least six states have placed noncitizen voting measures on the Nov. 5 ballot, while at least two more are debating whether to do so.

Bryan Steil, R-Wis., chairman of the Committee on House Administration points to a election brochure for Washington, during a hearing he conducted about noncitizen voting on Capitol Hill, Thursday, May 16, 2024 in Washington. In recent months, the specter of noncitizens voting in the U.S. has erupted into a leading rallying cry for Republicans. (AP Photo/John McDonnell)

“American elections are for American citizens, and we intend to keep it that way,” House Administration Committee Chairman Rep. Bryan Steil of Wisconsin said during a hearing he hosted on the topic this week.

Democrats on the committee lambasted their Republican colleagues for focusing on what they called a “non-issue,” arguing it was part of a strategy with former President Donald Trump to lay the groundwork for election challenges this fall.

Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of Americans for Public Trust testifies about noncitizen voting before the Committee on House Administration on Capitol Hill, Thursday, May 16, 2024 in Washington. In recent months, the specter of noncitizens voting in the U.S. has erupted into a leading rallying cry for Republicans. (AP Photo/John McDonnell)

“It appears the lesson Republicans learned from the fiasco that the former president caused in 2020 was not ‘Don’t steal an election’ — it was just ‘Start earlier,’” said New York Rep. Joe Morelle, a Democrat and ranking member of the committee. “The coup starts here. This is where it begins.”

The concern that immigrants who are not eligible to vote are illegally casting ballots has prevailed on the right for years. But it gained renewed attention earlier this year when Trump began suggesting without evidence that Democrats were encouraging illegal migration to the U.S. so they could register the newcomers to vote.

FILE – Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, R-La., speaks as Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump listens during a news conference, April 12, 2024, at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. In recent months, the specter of noncitizens voting in the U.S. has erupted into a leading rallying cry for Republicans.(AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

Republicans who have been vocal about noncitizen voting have demurred when asked for evidence that it’s a problem. Last week, during a news conference on his federal legislation to require proof of citizenship during voter registration, House Speaker Mike Johnson couldn’t provide examples of the crime happening.

“The answer is that it’s unanswerable,” the Louisiana Republican said in response to a question about whether noncitizens were illegally voting. “We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections, but it’s not been something that is easily provable.”

Election administration experts say it’s not only provable, but it’s been demonstrated that the number of noncitizens voting in federal elections is infinitesimal.

Rep. Joe Morelle, D-N.Y., questions a witness during a Committee on House Administration hearing about noncitizen voting in U.S. elections on Capitol Hill, Thursday, May 16, 2024 in Washington. In recent months, the specter of noncitizens voting in the U.S. has erupted into a leading rallying cry for Republicans. (AP Photo/John McDonnell)

To be clear, there have been cases over the years of noncitizens illegally registering and even casting ballots. But states have mechanisms to catch that. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose recently found 137 suspected noncitizens on the state’s rolls — out of roughly 8 million voters — and is taking action to confirm and remove them, he announced earlier this week.

In 2022, Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, conducted an audit of his state’s voter rolls specifically looking for noncitizens. His office found that 1,634 had attempted to register to vote over a period of 25 years, but election officials had caught all the applications and none had been able to register.

Florida Secretary of State Cord Byrd testifies about noncitizen voting in a hearing to the Committee on House Administration on Capitol Hill, Thursday, May 16, 2024 in Washington. In recent months, the specter of noncitizens voting in the U.S. has erupted into a leading rallying cry for Republicans. (AP Photo/John McDonnell)

In North Carolina in 2016, an audit of elections found that 41 legal immigrants who had not yet become citizens cast ballots, out of 4.8 million total ballots cast. The votes didn’t make a difference in any of the state’s elections.

Voters must confirm under penalty of perjury that they are citizens when they register to vote. If they lie, they can face fines, imprisonment or deportation, said David Becker, founder and executive director of the nonprofit Center for Election Innovation and Research.

Bryan Steil, R-Wis., chairman of the Committee on House Administration arrives for a hearing aboutnon citizen voting on Capitol Hill, Thursday, May 16, 2024 in Washington. In recent months, the specter of noncitizens voting in the U.S. has erupted into a leading rallying cry for Republicans. (AP Photo/John McDonnell)

On top of that, anyone registering provides their Social Security number, driver’s license or state ID, Becker said. That means they already have shown the government proof of citizenship to receive those documents, or if they are a noncitizen with a state ID or Social Security number, they have been clearly classified that way in the state’s records.

“What they’re asking for is additional proof,” Becker said of Republicans pushing Johnson’s bill. “Why should people have to go to multiple government agencies and have them ask, ’Show us your papers,’ when they’ve already shown them?”

Hans von Spakovsky manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative testifies about noncitizen voting before the Committee on House Administration on Capitol Hill, Thursday, May 16, 2024 in Washington. In recent months, the specter of noncitizens voting in the U.S. has erupted into a leading rallying cry for Republicans. (AP Photo/John McDonnell)

Democrats fear adding more ID requirements could disenfranchise eligible voters who don’t have their birth certificates or Social Security cards on hand. Republicans counter that the extra step could provide another layer of security and boost voter confidence in an imperfect system in which noncitizen voters have slipped through in the past.

The national focus on noncitizen voting also has brought attention to a related, but different phenomenon: how a small number of local jurisdictions, among them San Francisco and the District of Columbia, have begun allowing immigrants who aren’t citizens to vote in some local contests, such as for school board and city council.

From left, Christian Adams, president and general counsel for the Public Interest Legal Foundation, Hans von Spakovsky, manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative and senior legal fellow at the Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies and Florida Secretary of State Cord Byrd are sworn in before they testify about noncitizen voting before the Committee on House Administration on Capitol Hill, Thursday, May 16, 2024 in Washington. In recent months, the specter of noncitizens voting in the U.S. has erupted into a leading rallying cry for Republicans. (AP Photo/John McDonnell)

The number of noncitizen voters casting ballots in the towns and cities where they are allowed to do so has been minimal so far. In Winooski, Vermont, where 1,345 people cast ballots in a recent local election, just 11 were not citizens, the clerk told The Associated Press. Still, the gradually growing phenomenon has prompted some state lawmakers to introduce ballot measures that seek to stop cities from trying this in the future.

In South Carolina, voters in November will decide on a constitutional amendment that supporters say will shut the door on any noncitizens voting. The state’s constitution currently says every citizen aged 18 and over who qualifies to vote can. The amendment changes the phrasing to say “only citizens.”

Republican state Sen. Chip Campsen called it a safeguard to prevent future problems. California has similar wording to South Carolina’s current provision, and Campsen cited a California Supreme Court decision that ruled “every” didn’t prevent noncitizens from voting.

Christian Adams, president and general counsel for the Public Interest Legal Foundation, left, talks with Hans von Spakovsky, during a hearing about noncitizen voting before the Committee on House Administration on Capitol Hill, Thursday, May 16, 2024, in Washington. In recent months, the specter of noncitizens voting in the U.S. has erupted into a leading rallying cry for Republicans. (AP Photo/John McDonnell)

Democratic state Sen. Darrell Jackson asked Campsen during the debate last month, “Do we have that problem here in South Carolina?”

“You don’t have the problem until the problem arises,” Campsen replied.

On Friday, legislative Republicans in Missouri passed a ballot measure for November that would ban both noncitizen voting and ranked-choice voting.

“I know that scary hypotheticals have been thrown out there: ‘Well, what about St. Louis? What about Kansas City?’” said Democratic state Sen. Lauren Arthur of Kansas City. “It is not a real threat because this is already outlawed. It’s already illegal in Missouri.”

Asked by a Democrat on Thursday about instances of noncitizens voting in Missouri, Republican Rep. Alex Riley said he didn’t have “specific data or a scenario that it has happened,” but wanted to “address the concern that it could happen in the future.”

In Wisconsin, an important presidential swing state where the Republican-controlled Legislature also put a noncitizen voting measure on the ballot this fall, Democratic state Rep. Lee Snodgrass said during a hearing earlier this week that she couldn’t understand why someone who is not a legal citizen would vote.

“I’m trying to wrap my brain around what people think the motivation would be for a noncitizen to go through an enormous amount of hassle to actively commit a felony to vote in an election that’s going to end up putting them in prison or be deported,” she said.

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