More than 60 veterans of World War II took off Friday from Dallas to France, where they will take part in ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The group ranges from 96 to 107 years old, according to American Airlines, which is flying them first to Paris. The flight is one of several that are taking veterans to France for the commemoration.
Quick Read
- World War II veterans take off for France to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.
- Over 60 veterans, aged 96 to 107, departed from Dallas, with American Airlines flying them first to Paris.
- The veterans will participate in various ceremonies, including a wreath-laying at Suresnes American Cemetery and events at the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe.
- In Normandy, they will attend wreath-laying ceremonies on Omaha and Utah Beaches, key sites of the D-Day landings.
- D-Day, June 6, 1944, saw 160,000 Allied troops land in Normandy, with 73,000 from the United States.
- A total of 4,414 Allied troops, including 2,501 Americans, were killed on D-Day, with over 5,000 wounded.
- Six Medal of Honor recipients from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam are joining the veterans to honor their service.
- Two Rosie the Riveters, representing women who worked in factories during the war, are also part of the group.
- Hundreds of thousands of military women from Allied nations contributed in noncombat roles such as codebreakers and radar operators during the war.
- The ceremonies aim to honor the veterans, with organizers emphasizing the importance of remembrance and gratitude.
The Associated Press has the story:
World War II veterans take off for France for 80th anniversary of D-Day
Newslooks- DALLAS (AP) —
More than 60 veterans of World War II took off Friday from Dallas to France, where they will take part in ceremonies marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The group ranges from 96 to 107 years old, according to American Airlines, which is flying them first to Paris. The flight is one of several that are taking veterans to France for the commemoration.

The group will take part in a wreath-laying ceremony at Suresnes American Cemetery, visit the Eiffel Tower and join in a daily ceremony known as le Ravivage de la Flamme, which honors fallen French service members at the Arc de triomphe.

They then head to the Normandy region for events that include wreath-laying ceremonies on Omaha and Utah Beaches, two of the landing sites for the Allied forces.

Almost 160,000 Allied troops, 73,000 from the United States, landed at Normandy on June 6, 1944, in a massive amphibious operation designed to break through heavily fortified German defenses and begin the liberation of Western Europe.

A total of 4,414 Allied troops were killed on D-Day itself, including 2,501 Americans. More than 5,000 were wounded.

The group traveling from Dallas includes six Medal of Honor recipients from wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam who wish to honor the World War II veterans.
There are also two Rosie the Riveters, representing women who worked in factories and shipyards during the war.

Hundreds of thousands of military women from Allied nations also worked in crucial noncombat roles such as codebreakers, ship plotters, radar operators and cartographers.

There are various ceremonies to commemorate the day in France and to thank veterans, some of whom will make the long trans-Atlantic journey despite advanced age, fatigue and physical difficulties.

“We will never forget. And we have to tell them,” Philippe Étienne, chairman of commemoration organizer Liberation Mission, told The Associated Press.