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 Finland Endorses Sahara Autonomy Under Moroccan Sovereignty.

Finland has supported the Moroccan Autonomy Plan as “a good basis for a solution” to the regional dispute over the Moroccan Sahara. This position was articulated in a Joint Communiqué released on Tuesday in Helsinki, following discussions between Morocco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Bourita, and Finland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elina Valtonen.

The communiqué stated, “Finland considers the autonomy plan presented in 2007 as a serious and credible contribution to the UN-led political process and as a good basis for a solution agreed upon between the parties.” Finland reiterated its support for a political process to reach a just, lasting, and mutually acceptable political solution.

Both ministers emphasized their shared commitment to the exclusive role of the United Nations in the political process. They reaffirmed their countries’ support for UN Security Council resolutions and the efforts of the UN Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy to advance this process.

Finland’s new position is part of a growing international momentum supporting Morocco’s sovereignty over the Moroccan Sahara and the Autonomy Plan. This plan, under Moroccan sovereignty, has garnered the backing of many countries under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God Assist Him, in recent years.

This endorsement by Finland adds to the international support for Morocco’s approach to resolving the Moroccan Sahara issue, highlighting the global community’s Support of the Autonomy Plan as a viable and constructive framework for peace and stability in the region.

 Broader Implications of Finland’s Support

The Support of the Moroccan Autonomy Plan by Finland is not just a diplomatic victory for Morocco but also a reinforcement of the robust ties between Morocco and European nations. This decision is expected to influence other European countries to adopt similar stances, thereby strengthening Morocco’s position on the global stage.

Furthermore, the support from Finland aligns with the increasing trend of international endorsement for Morocco’s sovereignty over the Moroccan Sahara. Countries across Africa, the Middle East, and now Europe increasingly view Morocco’s Autonomy Plan as a realistic and pragmatic solution to the decades-long dispute. This growing consensus is vital for the plan’s acceptance as the cornerstone for peace and development in the region.

In a related significant diplomatic move, France, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, reaffirmed its support for Morocco’s sovereignty over the Moroccan Sahara. In a message to King Mohammed VI, French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized that “the present and future of Moroccan Sahara fall under Moroccan sovereignty.” This clear stance by France further solidifies the international momentum in favor of Morocco’s territorial claims and autonomy plan.

President Macron’s message highlighted the importance of the autonomy plan as the only viable framework for resolving the Moroccan Sahara issue, aligning with United Nations resolutions. Macron pledged France’s support for the UN-led political process and the efforts of the UN Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy. This endorsement by France is seen as a significant diplomatic boost for Morocco, enhancing the credibility of its proposed solution.

Following France’s announcement, His Majesty King Mohammed VI addressed a message to President Emmanuel Macron, expressing appreciation for France’s support. The King underscored the importance of France’s Support in strengthening the international consensus around Morocco’s sovereignty over the Moroccan Sahara. He emphasized that France’s position contributes to ending a conflict inherited from another era and aligns with the broader international efforts led by Morocco.

The King also highlighted the positive momentum in Franco-Moroccan relations, which promises new opportunities for cooperation in strategic sectors. He expressed eagerness to host President Macron in Morocco for a state visit, reflecting the deepening bilateral ties.

The Support of Morocco’s sovereignty over the SAHARA by Finland and the reaffirmation of support by France mark significant milestones in the international diplomatic landscape. These developments underscore a new dynamic where Morocco’s Autonomy Plan is increasingly viewed as the legitimate and practical solution to the Moroccan Sahara dispute.

This growing international support, led by key nations like France and Finland, reflects a broader shift towards acknowledging Morocco’s legal and historical rights over the region. It also highlights the successful diplomatic efforts of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, whose leadership has been instrumental in garnering global backing for Morocco’s stance.

As more countries rally behind Morocco’s Autonomy Plan, the prospects for a peaceful and sustainable resolution to the Moroccan Sahara issue become more tangible. This new dynamic not only strengthens Morocco’s position but also contributes to regional stability and development, paving the way for a brighter future for the people of Moroccan Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty.

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