
Germany Backs Moroccan Autonomy Plan for Moroccan Sahara

Germany Morocco \ Newslooks \ Washington \ Germany has affirmed that the Moroccan autonomy plan is a significant and solid foundation for resolving the Moroccan Sahara issue. This was articulated by German Federal Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, during a press conference concluding the first session of the bilateral strategic dialogue between Morocco and Germany, which she co-chaired with Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita. Baerbock reiterated Germany’s support for UN efforts aimed at finding a political solution to the Sahara conflict.

Germany Morocco

 First Session of Multidimensional Strategic Dialogue between Morocco and Germany

On June 28, 2024, Nasser Bourita and Annalena Baerbock co-chaired the first session of the Multidimensional Strategic Dialogue in Berlin. This dialogue aligns with the Joint Morocco-German Declaration from August 25, 2022, marking a significant step in strengthening their multi-faceted partnership across various policy areas.

At the conclusion of this dialogue, both ministers emphasized the importance of pursuing the Joint Declaration’s implementation and enhancing bilateral economic and trade relations. They highlighted Morocco’s substantial investment potential, particularly noted in the Moroccan Investment Charter.

In terms of migration cooperation, they voiced support for the bilateral Joint Migration Group, which held its inaugural session on January 23, 2024. Both parties acknowledged the necessity of addressing irregular migration comprehensively, ensuring international human rights standards, and continuing efforts to improve professional mobility, legal migration, return, readmission, and reintegration.

Advancements in Security and Counterterrorism Cooperation

Baerbock and Bourita welcomed the joint declaration signed by the Interior Ministers on October 31, 2023, which aims to resume cooperation in all areas of domestic policy. They reiterated their commitment to combating terrorism and other security challenges, particularly within the Global Coalition against Daesh and the Global Counterterrorism Forum.

Collaboration in Climate Policy and Renewable Energies

Both ministers recognized their fruitful cooperation in climate policy, biodiversity, renewable energies, and green hydrogen. They agreed to intensify these efforts at a strategic level.

Strengthening Cultural and Academic Ties

The dialogue also focused on enhancing bilateral cooperation in cultural and academic fields, promoting stronger ties between the peoples of both nations. Additionally, they stressed the importance of regional and international peace and security and the strengthening of multilateral institutions.

 Strategic Dialogue: A Platform for Cooperation

The Multidimensional Strategic Dialogue, held biennially and alternately between Morocco and Germany, is chaired by the Foreign Ministers of both countries. This dialogue is based on shared values and mutual respect, aiming to establish the principles and foundations for the relations between Morocco and Germany, defining the bases for their development, and safeguarding the priority interests of both parties. It serves as a platform for discussing strategic matters of mutual interest, including regional and international security and development issues.

Germany Monitors Royal Initiative for Sahel States’ Access to Atlantic Ocean

Germany is closely monitoring the initiatives launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, including the Royal Initiative to enable Sahel States access to the Atlantic Ocean, as stated in a joint declaration. Germany commended Morocco’s active role in promoting peace and stability in the region, reaffirming that Morocco is an essential partner for the European Union, NATO, and Germany in Africa, serving as a crucial link between North and South.

Germany Praises Moroccan Reforms under King Mohammed VI

Germany has commended the reforms undertaken by Morocco under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, aimed at creating a more open and dynamic Moroccan society and economy. In a joint declaration adopted in Berlin, Germany acknowledged Morocco’s active and constructive role in fostering regional peace and stability. Germany reiterated its view of Morocco as an essential partner for the European Union, NATO, and Germany in Africa.

The bilateral strategic dialogue session concluded with a reaffirmation of the shared vision and commitment to further strengthening the multifaceted partnership between Morocco and Germany.

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