Hidden Reasons Behind the Attacks of the EU Parliament on Morocco.
The Kingdom of Morocco is currently enduring a systematic attack by the EU Parliament. Attacks that go beyond the ordinary political and diplomatic engagement between states and institutions. These attacks amount to direct interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states.
By reviewing the steps that Morocco has recently taken in its foreign relations, the true actors of these actions become clear. Who could object to Morocco’s re-normalization of relations with Israel or with the warming of US-Moroccan relations after the US recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara? Yet the EU Parliament attacks Morocco. I believe that there is a hidden agenda.
There is no doubt that the economic development plans as well as human rights development programs which King Mohamed VI has sponsored since his accession have caused concern to some European countries and their petty ambitions. Morocco’s exit from the position of dependence on EU states is not firmly in the interest of Europe generally and France in particular.
King Mohammed VI has more than ably led Morocco at home and in Africa generally. He has led the opening of the Moroccan economy to the American markets in various critical areas against European interests. This movement to trans-Atlantic relations in North America has worried the trans-Mediterranean trading partners’ former dominance in Moroccan markets.
Thanks to its economic policies, social and political stability and unique religious coexistence, Morocco has become very attractive to world markets. The European dominance in Morocco’s markets has ended and the EU (with France in particular) is fighting back with spurious claims in the European Parliament.
During a session dedicated to discussing the scandalous and repeated attacks of the European Parliament on Morocco, the Speaker of the Moroccan Parliament, Hon. Rachid Talbi Alami, charged that the actions against Morocco of some parties in the European Parliament constitute interference in the internal affairs of Morocco.
“This interference is not based on principles or values but is motivated by cyclical interests and led by lobbies that are more active with the rise in energy prices.”
Hon. Talbi Alami continued, “This action is also contrary to the spirit of the Morocco-EU partnership, a partnership on strategic issues for the future of the region and the world (fight against terrorism, migration management, climate change, peace), in which Morocco assumes significant responsibilities.”
Hon. Lahcen Haddad, head of the Moroccan-European Parliamentary Joint Committee, recently confirmed Hon. Talbi Alami’s observations.
During the discussion of these attacks led by some members of the European Parliament against the Kingdom of Morocco, Hon. Haddad stated, “The Kingdom’s problem is not with the European Union or its various institutions but with MEPs known for their hostility towards Morocco.”
He then went on to say, “Members of the European Parliament have taken advantage of the corruption crisis that is rocking the European Parliament to create a climate of fear within the European legislative institution, prompting it to undermine Morocco’s image and reputation in the media and to take decisions hostile to the Kingdom.”
The Moroccan parliamentary officials’ statements mask the unsaid but true situation. Algerian gas is on the minds of EU Member states now. The high price of energy and the rush of European markets to Algeria as a replacement for lost contracts in the Ukrainian war makes clear the current posture of the EU to not offend Algeria in any way. Morocco has to be maligned in order to satisfy their Algerian gas suppliers.

Also, Europe has a long-standing interest in obstructing Moroccan growth into world markets beyond regional (that is, European captured) markets. To these ends, the EU negatively distorts the country’s image in order to keep it under the European umbrella as a consumer market.
Now aligned with the EU interests, Algeria’s hand in this matter is obvious. To push its agenda concerning the Polisario and feeding their long-standing expansionist ambitions in Africa, Algeria enlists the EU to make baseless charges against Morocco.
French-Algerian relations show, with tangible evidence, that the attack led by some European parliament members hides the Algerian scheme aimed to strike at Moroccan-European relation. Simply put, it is Algerian gas in exchange for hostility to Morocco. Further, the French who resent Morocco’s lean away from France and towards the United States is no reluctant partner in this endeavor.
The Kingdom of Morocco is paying the price today for its strategic choices and a decades-long balanced set of relations with Israel and the Palestinian Authority. It is paying a heavy price in the EU circles chiefly because it supports the United States over its former colonizer.
It is better for us today to take the responsibility in proving to our friends in Morocco that we value their choices and appreciate their sacrifices. We must view a diplomatic attack on Morocco is an attack on the United States’/Moroccan relationship and our common strategic interest in North Africa and the Middle East.
Morocco’s long list of successes and excellent initiatives is worth defending – defending Morocco most when our friend needs such a defense most. This should be the basis of our interest in these EU attacks. Our friend has proved its friendship time and again. Now we must do the same.• Isn’t it Morocco that sent its sons to liberate Europe from the Nazi invasion?
• Isn’t it Morocco that sent its sons to build bridges, airports and factories in Europe after World War II?
• Isn’t it Morocco that is successfully fighting the problem of illegal immigration to Europe through the Straights of Gibraltar?
• Isn’t it Morocco that dismantles hundreds of terrorist cells annually and ensures the security and safety of its people and those of the European countries as well?
• Isn’t it Morocco that contributes alongside the European and American forces on all occasions to ensure global peace and security?
• Isn’t it Morocco that prevented the Nazis from capturing and executing its Jewish citizens?
• Isn’t it Morocco which was the initiator of all peace mediations between Israel and the Palestinians?
• Isn’t it Morocco, which was the first country to recognize our independence in 1777 and has been our steadfast friend ever since?
Indeed, it is the same Morocco to which we must return the favor and defend its interests. Even if that defense is against a group of corrupt parliament members who fear shivering in the cold.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Newslooks.com
EU Morocco – EU Parliament on Morocco – Macron – Emanuel Macron – King Mohamed VI of Morocco – Lahcen Haddad – Talbi Alami