Infrastructure in the Service of Egyptians Future.
It is no longer a secret that the pace of infrastructure development in Egypt is unique worldwide. It is also certain that this vast number of projects will enhance Egypt’s position as one of the most critical countries in the Middle East and Africa and will inevitably contribute to confirming its role regionally and internationally.
The Human Development Index in Egypt has advanced by 19 ranks, according to the UNDP Global Human Development Report for the year 2021-2022.
So, one can only understand criticisms of infrastructure projects in Egypt within the social and political tensions that Egypt and all world countries know. Criticisms that deliberately undermine the benefits of these projects on the life of Egyptian citizens and their future generations.

Some may say that the Egyptian economy is going through a difficult time due to the consequences of the Corona pandemic, the fluctuation in energy prices due to the war in Ukraine, and the accumulation of indebtedness in this country. Thus, money should go to paying the country’s debts instead.
This description is entirely separate from the reality on the ground. It needs to recognize that the infrastructure projects pursued by the Egyptian state are an excellent gain for Egypt and its people, whatever their funding sources. What Egypt is building today in terms of roads, bridges, railways, and model cities is an investment that will benefit it.
History will not scrutinize who and how these projects were funded; instead, it will remember them as outstanding achievements.
The excuse of the weight of debt should not become a reason to stop the wheel of history or retreat behind the advocates of the debt-pay-first theory.
We all know that if debts are not paid, they will be rescheduled or negotiated to barter them for services and perhaps drop them altogether, as a standard procedure controlled by diplomatic relations, political balances, and interstate cooperation. Therefore, criticizing these projects has no logical justification other than being a blind criticism politically motivated.

So why criticize these projects?
Is it only because blind criticism is a well-established nature among politicians worldwide? Their motto is that “whatever my political rival does is useless,” even if it is good for the country.
Do they criticize this development boom because their interest lies in preventing Egypt from growing and developing its infrastructure? And if so, who is interested in not repairing ports and highways?
Who benefits from obstructing these projects?
We all know that undermining the benefits of this developmental revolution is complete nonsense and that the first and last beneficiary is that party or that group that does not want to acknowledge the achievements of its political competitor, even if it is beside the truth and contradicts logic and reality, and even if it is at the expense of the poor people’s interest, those who are the principal beneficiaries of these services.
The scourge of blind and politically motivated criticism was and still is one of the most critical obstacles to democratic practice in Egypt and here in the United States, where we are experiencing the same tragedy—the tragedy of presenting a political competitor as a failure.
Some here in the United States may need to understand that underestimating the importance of the Egyptian government’s achievements in human development contradicts all the principles and values we advocate here in America.
What is wrong in fighting against slam housing?
What is wrong with repairing irrigation networks and electrical power sites? in paving roads and repairing ports and railways?
The critics should know that Governments come and go, but the infrastructure will stay, just as the history of peoples and nations is not reduced only to the personalities of those who rule them.
No one denies today that the presence of the pyramids in Egypt is a source of pride for all humanity, whoever built them or planned their structure.
Some may say that the Egyptian army is implementing these projects.
Ok, and where is the problem? Whether carried out by the military or civilian companies or the devil.
The issue is being led by biased political propaganda that turns many of us into a herd whose course and thinking are easy to control.
Most importantly, these projects are a reality under the supervision of Egyptian engineers and workers, and any other political talk or criticism must be carried to a different stage.
Many critics of the Egyptian government openly admit that the country’s infrastructure is witnessing significant positive changes.
So, why deny it?
Let us leave politics aside, judge things wisely, and recognize that Egypt’s development projects are a victory for the people of Egypt.
Egypt that no Middle East would exist without it.
A nation that stands for peace and coexistence with all countries in the region.
A country that the US considers the crucial key to all Middle East’s problems.
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