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Johnson led House passage of Israel aid; The hard part is confronting Biden

As new Speaker Mike Johnson grabbed hold of the House gavel, he made a plea for Americans to “give me a chance” before making up their minds about the newcomer’s ability to lead the far-right House Republican majority that elected him to power. By seeking to force the Israel-Hamas war package to be paid for with government spending cuts, something rarely required in emergencies of war or natural disasters, Johnson turned what’s normally an overwhelming bipartisan issue, support for Israel, into one that bitterly split Democrats from Republicans. President Joe Biden threatened a veto.

Quick Read

  • Mike Johnson as Speaker: Upon assuming the role of House Speaker, Mike Johnson requested that Americans withhold judgment and give him a chance to prove his leadership.
  • First Test in Office: Johnson’s first significant action was to push through a nearly $14.5 billion military aid package to Israel, indicating a preference for his party’s right-wing priorities over bipartisan compromise.
  • Controversial Funding Method: The package proposed funding the aid through spending cuts, which is unusual for emergency war or disaster responses, causing a split between Democrats and Republicans.
  • Bipartisan Opposition: The move to fund the package through cuts rather than consensus led to a veto threat from President Joe Biden and a stark partisan divide.
  • Challenges Ahead: Johnson faces numerous immediate challenges, including a potential government shutdown, funding requests from the President, and the ongoing presidential impeachment inquiry.
  • GOP Divisions: His leadership approach aims to bridge the gap between mainstream and more extreme elements of the House Republican caucus.
  • Surprising Rise to Leadership: Johnson, a staunch Trump supporter, was an unexpected choice for Speaker, surpassing other candidates such as Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan, and Tom Emmer after Kevin McCarthy’s removal.
  • Reflecting Party’s Far-Right: As Speaker, Johnson represents the deeply conservative and Christian nationalist wing of the Republican Party.
  • Appealing to His Base: By ceding to far-right demands for government size reduction, Johnson aims to strengthen the Republican negotiating position against Biden and the Senate.
  • Mixed Reception: While allies like Jordan commend Johnson, Democratic leaders criticize his divisive start as Speaker.
  • Pressing Deadlines: With the year-end deadline to fund the government and other commitments looming, Johnson has little time to achieve the GOP’s promised goals.
  • Impeachment Proceedings Indicated: Johnson suggests that impeachment proceedings against President Biden may be imminent.
  • Support for Ukraine: Johnson commits to supporting Ukraine against Russia, indicating a break from the non-interventionist wing of the GOP, while seeking clarity on the administration’s long-term strategy.
  • Relationship with Biden: His interaction with President Biden started amicably but later included critical remarks on Fox.
  • Administration’s Reaction: The White House quickly opposed the funding method for the Israel aid package and criticized Johnson’s demands regarding border security in exchange for Ukraine aid.
  • Underestimated Consistency: Former House Republican and current Senator Markwayne Mullin expresses confidence in Johnson’s consistent and unflappable nature.

The Associated Press has the story:

Johnson led House passage of Israel aid; The hard part is confronting Biden

Newslooks- WASHINGTON (AP)

As new Speaker Mike Johnson grabbed hold of the House gavel, he made a plea for Americans to “give me a chance” before making up their minds about the newcomer’s ability to lead the far-right House Republican majority that elected him to power.

What Johnson has shown in his first big test as the House passed a nearly $14.5 billion military aid package to Israel is that the easy-going social conservative is more than eager to lift up the priorities of his right flank rather than reach toward the political center in the name of compromise.

By seeking to force the Israel-Hamas war package to be paid for with government spending cuts, something rarely required in emergencies of war or natural disasters, Johnson turned what’s normally an overwhelming bipartisan issue, support for Israel, into one that bitterly split Democrats from Republicans. President Joe Biden threatened a veto.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, R-La., leaves the chamber just after the House approved a nearly $14.5 billion military aid package for Israel, but without humanitarian assistance for Gaza, at the Capitol in Washington, Friday, Nov. 3, 2023. Democrats say that approach would only delay help for Israel. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has warned that the “stunningly unserious” bill has no chances in the Senate. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

It’s a stark example of what may come — or not. The looming government shutdown deadline, Biden’s nearly $106 billion request for aid to Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and U.S. border security policy and the presidential impeachment inquiry are all demanding attention from the untested new leader.

“That’s his very first opening move?” asked an incredulous Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., a close Biden ally, echoing the sentiment of many Democrats on Capitol Hill.

“Congress is all about what caucus and which members are driving you and setting your priorities,” he said. “And part of the challenge the House seems to be having is the House Republican caucus has deep divisions between their Main Street and their MAGA Republicans.”

Johnson, of Louisiana, is trying to accomplish the seemingly impossible — uniting a fractured House Republican majority where the past GOP leaders before him have very publicly and dramatically fallen short.

The new speaker, who is closely aligned with Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner in the 2024 election, has positioned himself as someone who can unite the GOP’s flanks. A low-key, lower-rung leader, he surprisingly rose to the top spot after more tested or fiery contenders — Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan and Tom Emmer — were brushed aside to replace the ousted former speaker, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif..

In Johnson, House Republicans ultimately found the leader it now seems they always wanted since taking control in January — a Trump defender who challenged the 2020 election results, voted against certifying the election for Biden and reflects the deeply conservative and growing Christian nationalist wing of the GOP.

“A lot of these people don’t know me,” Johnson told Fox News host Sean Hannity in the first of multiple interviews on the cable show. “Give me a chance. Let me have a chance to lead here, and you will see what I’m really about.”

While Johnson found quick political success in his first week on the job with House passage of the Israel aid package, he is keenly aware it is a short-lived victory. The package, with its plan to pay for the aid with cuts to the IRS, would actually end up costing the government billions in lost revenue from tax dodgers, according to budget scorekeepers. and is headed toward a dismal defeat. The Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer has already rejected it.

The speaker took the risk, ceding to the far-right’s demands to reduce the size of government, and calculating that doing so will position House Republicans with the strongest hand as they fight Biden and the Senate.

Jordan, a firebrand former rival allied with Johnson, said the new speaker is doing a “good job.”

But the chairman of the Democratic caucus, Rep. Pete Aguilar, said Johnson took a flat out “wrong” move.

Democrats argue that Johnson could have launched his speakership on a consensus note and won a full vote of support on the Israel aid package, with hundreds of Democrats and Republicans coming together to support the top U.S. ally in the Middle East. But instead he chose a divisive, starkly partisan path.

“We’re learning a lot about the new speaker,” Aguilar of California said at a press conference at the Capitol.

“These are the things that Speaker Johnson has to advocate to appease the most extreme members,” he said. “They are his base. They are who gave him the gavel.”

After so much turmoil in the House this year, there is little time left for Republicans in the majority to accomplish the big goals they promised voters they would set out to do.

The year-end calendar is pressing down on Johnson in disadvantageous ways, starting with this month’s deadline to fund the government by Nov. 17 or risk another federal shutdown. A lapse in government funding is what McCarthy successfully avoided in a compromise with Democrats, but it resulted in Republicans kicking him out of the speaker’s office.

Johnson also has signaled the Biden impeachment inquiry may soon come to actual impeachment proceedings. “I do believe that very soon, we are coming to a point of decision,” he told reporters.

Johnson has promised he would turn next to Ukraine as Congress tries to broker a compromise package that would provide money to help Kyiv fight Russia as part of a broader deal to beef up security at the U.S. Mexico border as well.

During the Hannity interview Johnson signaled a break from the GOP’s rising non-interventionist wing, and vowed the Congress would not “abandon” Ukraine.

“We can’t allow Vladimir Putin to prevail in Ukraine,” he said about the Russian president.

But Johnson said the U.S. has stewardship over “the precious treasure of the American people.” And he said House Republicans want to know the administration’s strategy: “What is the endgame in Ukraine?”

It’s a high-stakes trial for the new speaker, who met with Biden his first day on the job in what he first said was a very good meeting, before questioning the president’s “age and acumen” later on Fox.

The White House and its allies have allowed little of a honeymoon for the new speaker. In the administration’s stark veto message it said the Israel package’s “new and damaging precedent would have devastating implications for our safety and alliances in the years ahead.”

Still, the White House has begun reaching out to allies over the border security demands Johnson is making in return for the aid to Ukraine.

A former House Republican, Sen. Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma, said Washington is underestimating Johnson.

“You’ll see consistency, consistency out of Mike,” said Mullin. “Mike will not be a guy that’s going to get rattled, he’s not going to get excited.”

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