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Nikki Haley is trounced by ‘none of these candidates’ option in Nevada’s GOP primary

Nikki Haley was swamped in Nevada’s symbolic Republican presidential primary as GOP voters resoundingly picked the “none of these candidates” option on the ballot in a repudiation of the former U.N. ambassador who is the last remaining major rival to front-runner Donald Trump.

Quick Read

  • Nevada GOP Primary Result: Nikki Haley was notably defeated in Nevada’s symbolic Republican presidential primary, with the “none of these candidates” option receiving the majority of votes, marking a significant setback for Haley against front-runner Donald Trump.
  • Trump’s Focus: Donald Trump, who did not participate in the Nevada primary, is concentrating on the upcoming caucuses that are more consequential in terms of delegate allocation for the GOP nomination.
  • Haley’s Campaign Strategy: Haley, aiming to present herself as a viable contender against Trump, chose not to campaign in Nevada, focusing instead on South Carolina, her home state, with her campaign dismissing Nevada’s results due to perceived bias in favor of Trump.
  • Republican Leaders’ Choices: Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo and other Republicans publicly supported the “none of these candidates” option, reflecting a broader sentiment within the GOP base.
  • Historical Context: Haley’s loss to “none of these candidates” is unprecedented since the option was introduced in Nevada in 1975, highlighting a unique challenge in her presidential campaign.
  • Democratic Primary: On the same day, President Joe Biden won the Democratic primary in Nevada against Marianne Williamson and other candidates, strengthening his position for the upcoming general election.
  • Biden’s Response: Biden thanked Nevada voters for their support, emphasizing the importance of unity and mobilization to protect American democracy, particularly against the backdrop of Trump’s divisive politics.
  • “None of These Candidates” Option: This option has been available in Nevada since the post-Watergate era, allowing voters to express dissatisfaction with their choices without selecting a specific candidate.
  • Nevada GOP Caucuses: The focus shifts to the Nevada GOP caucuses, where Trump is anticipated to dominate due to his strong grassroots support and favorable party rules, further consolidating his position as the GOP front-runner.
  • Voter Sentiment: The preference for “none of these candidates” among some voters indicates a broader disillusionment with the current political choices, highlighting the challenges both parties face in engaging and satisfying the electorate.

The Associated Press has the story:

Nikki Haley is trounced by ‘none of these candidates’ option in Nevada’s GOP primary

Newslooks- LAS VEGAS (AP) —

Nikki Haley was swamped in Nevada’s symbolic Republican presidential primary as GOP voters resoundingly picked the “none of these candidates” option on the ballot in a repudiation of the former U.N. ambassador who is the last remaining major rival to front-runner Donald Trump.

Trump didn’t compete in Tuesday’s primary, which doesn’t award any delegates needed to win the GOP nomination. The former president is instead focused on caucuses that will be held Thursday and will help him move closer to becoming the Republican standard-bearer.

FILE – Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley speaks with supporters Jan. 15, 2024, in Des Moines, Iowa. The former South Carolina governor is the latest in a long line of women, historically some of Republican Donald Trump’s most stubborn challengers, for whom the former president’s playbook deploys intimidation, combined with a now-familiar brand of vulgarity, nicknames and other insults used for men, too. (AP Photo/Meg Kinnard, File)

That leaves the results Tuesday as technically meaningless in the Republican race. But they still amount to an embarrassment for Haley, who has sought to position herself as a candidate who can genuinely compete against Trump. Instead, she became the first presidential candidate from either party to lose a race to “none of these candidates” since that option was introduced in Nevada in 1975.

Haley had said beforehand she was going to “focus on the states that are fair” and did not campaign in the western state in the weeks leading up to the caucuses, spending time instead in her home state, South Carolina, before its Feb. 24 primary. Her campaign wrote off the results with a reference to Nevada’s famous casino industry.

“Even Donald Trump knows that when you play penny slots the house wins,” spokeswoman Olivia Perez-Cubas said. “We didn’t bother to play a game rigged for Trump. We’re full steam ahead in South Carolina and beyond.”

FILE – Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event Jan. 27, 2024, in Las Vegas. When Trump left the White House three years ago, he was a pariah — a one-term president whose refusal to accept his reelection defeat culminated in an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. But he is now on the cusp of a stunning turnaround, poised to recapture his party’s nomination in record speed despite four criminal cases totaling 91 felony charges, as well as a civil fraud trial that threatens to strip him of control of much of his business empire. (AP Photo/John Locher, File)

Trump joked on his social media network, “Watch, she’ll soon claim Victory!”

Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo, a Republican, had announced beforehand that he would vote for “none of these candidates” on Tuesday. Several Republicans interviewed heading to the polls said they intended to do the same.

Washoe County Republican Party Chair Bruce Parks, who pushed for the GOP to hold caucuses, said that he told voters who called his office — and Trump supporters — to participate in the primary by voting for “none of these candidates” over Haley.

Martha Morris casts her ballot at a vote by mail dropbox during primary voting in Las Vegas, on Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024. (Bizuayehu Tesfaye/Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP)

“They basically told us they don’t care about us,” Parks said in an interview after the race was called. “By marking ‘none of these candidates,’ we respond in kind — we don’t care about you either.”

Nevada GOP Chairman Michael McDonald, a Trump ally who faces state charges for serving as a so-called “fake elector” on the former president’s behalf, said he left it to each county GOP chairman to decide if they wanted to promote “none of these candidates.” He said Haley’s seeming disrespect of Nevada voters was “reciprocated” with the results.

The Associated Press declared “none of these candidates” the winner at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday based on initial vote results that showed it with a significant lead over Haley in seven counties across the state, including in the two most populous counties.

Campaign team member Chelsey Wininger helps decorate at the Biden-Harris for Nevada team first-in-the-West celebration, Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

There was also a Democratic primary on Tuesday that President Joe Biden easily won against author Marianne Williamson and a handful of less-known challengers. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota was not on the ballot.

Biden issued a statement thanking Nevada voters for their support and, with an eye toward an expected matchup in November, warned that Trump is trying to divide America.

“I want to thank the voters of Nevada for sending me and Kamala Harris to the White House four years ago, and for setting us one step further on that same path again tonight. We must organize, mobilize, and vote. Because one day, when we look back, we’ll be able to say, when American democracy was a risk, we saved it — together,” Biden said.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act in the State Dining Room of the White House, Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Nevada lawmakers added “none of these candidates” as an option in all statewide races as a way post-Watergate for voters to participate but express dissatisfaction with their choices. “None” can’t win an elected office but it came in first in primary congressional contests in 1976 and 1978. It also finished ahead of both George Bush and Edward Kennedy in Nevada’s 1980 presidential primaries.

The caucuses on Thursday are the only Nevada contest that count toward the GOP’s presidential nomination. But they were seen as especially skewed in favor of Trump because of the intense grassroots support they require from candidates and new state party rules that benefitted him further.

Trump is expected to handily win the caucuses, which should deliver him all 26 of the state’s delegates. Delegates are party members, activists and elected officials who vote at the national party conventions to formally select the party’s nominee.

“If your goal is to win the Republican nomination for president, you go where the delegates are. And it baffles me that Nikki Haley chose not to participate,” Trump’s senior campaign adviser Chris LaCivita said in an interview before the primary.

Nevada Secretary State Cisco Aguilar, left, chats with poll workers during primary voting Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024, in Las Vegas. (Bizuayehu Tesfaye/Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP)

Nevada, the third state in the field after Iowa and New Hampshire, was set to hold a state-run primary election instead of party-run caucuses after Democrats controlling the Legislature changed the law to try to boost participation.

Caucuses typically require voters to show up for an in-person meeting at a certain day or time, while elections can offer more flexibility to participate, with polls open for most of the day on Election Day, along with absentee or early voting.

But Nevada Republicans chose to hold party-run caucuses instead, saying they wanted certain rules in place, like a requirement that participants show a government-issued ID.

Nevada Secretary State Cisco Aguilar shakes hands with poll worker Esmeralda Reynold during primary voting Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024, in Las Vegas. (Bizuayehu Tesfaye/Las Vegas Review-Journal via AP)

The caucuses require a candidate to intensely organize supporters around the state in order to be competitive, a feat that Trump, the former president and prohibitive front-runner, was easily positioned to do.

The Nevada GOP also restricted the involvement of super PACs like the one Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was relying on to boost his now-suspended campaign. And the party barred candidates from appearing both on the primary ballot and in the caucuses.

Former Vice President Mike Pence and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott also signed up to compete in Nevada’s primary instead of the caucuses before ending their presidential campaigns.

Jeff Turner, 65, came to the Reno Town Mall with a ballot checked off for “none of these candidates” while also lamenting the increasingly likely November rematch between Biden and Trump.

“I think it’s my duty,” Turner said. “I think we all have the right to vote, we ought to vote. And even if it’s none of these candidates, it’s at least stating where I’m at. And I’m hoping others will see that.”

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