
Proactive Social Action of the King Mohammed VI of Morocco

Proactive Social Action of the King Mohammed VI of Morocco \ Newslooks \. Driven by a proactive and determined will and a deep and unwavering belief in the necessity of ensuring a dignified and decent life for all segments of society, His Majesty King Mohammed VI has, since his accession to the Throne, worked towards strengthening the social state and promoting balanced, inclusive, and sustainable development.

The year 2023 was no exception, marked by the launch of several projects and programs aimed at improving citizens’ access to basic health services, enhancing their ability to obtain decent housing, consolidating family cohesion, and thus ensuring greater social justice and equity.

Indeed, His Majesty the King continually multiplied initiatives and magnanimous gestures to democratize access to healthcare, as part of a proximity policy, to improve the health of those with special needs, the elderly, or those suffering from chronic diseases, and to ensure the health sovereignty of the Kingdom.

These initiatives were bolstered by the inauguration, on April 28, of the “Mohammed VI” University Hospital Center in Tangier, a medical excellence hub that, with its Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, will structure healthcare provision in the Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima region, attract new medical talents, and offer advanced training to new generations of professionals.

Notably, the Ibn Rochd University Hospital Center in Casablanca’s psycho-social rehabilitation center and a Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity‘s Proximity Medical Center in the new city of Errahma in the Dar Bouaaza Commune (Casablanca) were also inaugurated in April. These two solidarity projects underscore His Majesty the King’s commitment to enhancing basic healthcare services and bringing them closer to citizens.

Additionally, a program deploying connected mobile medical units to improve rural inhabitants’ access to medical services was launched. This pilot program is part of the Royal project to reform the health system and generalize social protection, representing a new model combining proximity care and telemedicine.

To strengthen citizens’ capacity to access decent housing, a new housing assistance program for 2024-2028 was introduced, aiming to renew the approach to property access assistance and support household purchasing power through direct financial aid to buyers. Eligible are Moroccans residing in Morocco or abroad who do not own property in Morocco and have never received housing assistance.

This program will socially facilitate housing access for low-income and middle-class social groups, reduce the housing deficit, and expedite the completion of the “Cities Without Slums” program.

There’s also a direct social aid program that will enhance the targeted families’ living standards, combat poverty and precarity, and ultimately improve social and human development indicators.

Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch stated that around one million families, equivalent to 3.5 million Moroccans eligible under the Unified Social Register, will receive the first installment of direct social aid starting December 28.

Furthermore, recognizing the family as society’s basic unit, His Majesty King Mohammed VI has always “endeavored to sanctify” this institution by initiating major projects and reforms in its favor and ensuring conditions conducive to strengthening family cohesion.

This includes the Sovereign’s letter to the government head to revise the Family Code (Moudawana), drawing inspiration from national values that place the family and familial bonds in the sacred realm.

Conscious of the link between social development and economic growth, His Majesty the King has always shown special interest in promoting the industrial sector, considered a key lever and catalyst for inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development.

Over the last two decades, thanks to the Sovereign’s enlightened vision, Morocco has made significant progress in this sector, relying on ambitious strategies to make industry a major job provider, a stimulator of productive investment, and a vector of growth and development.

Morocco has become a global destination in cutting-edge sectors, such as the aeronautical industry, where it is an attractive platform, and the automotive sector, where Morocco has emerged as a continental leader.

This “success story” recently culminated in the launch of the first public Moroccan automobile brand, presented to His Majesty the King on May 15. Driven by national competencies, this project primarily relies on the local automotive equipment ecosystem developed by the Kingdom.

However, these results wouldn’t have been possible without a qualified human capital capable of implementing various sectoral development strategies. This includes the new roadmap for professional training development, spearheaded by the Cities of Trades and Skills (CMC) program.

This program, involving a global investment forecast of 4.4 billion dirhams, plans to establish 12 CMCs across the Kingdom’s regions, which will be multisectoral professional training platforms, annually welcoming 34,000 trainees.

2023 also saw the inauguration by His Majesty the King, in the city of Tamesna, of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region’s City of Trades and Skills, the 4th CMC to open its doors for training young people, following those in Souss-Massa, the Oriental, and Laâyoune-Sakia-El Hamra, which started training between October and November 2022.

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