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Trump indictment: Is it A Politically Motivated Action

Trump indictment: Is it A Politically Motivated Action

Trump indictment: Is it A Politically Motivated Action \ Newslooks \ Washington DC The public’s reaction to the indictment of former President Donald Trump seems largely, but not entirely, to fall along political lines. This is a sad development for the Rule of Law. Justice being seen through a lens of partisan politics, or whether we like or dislike the accused, is a very sad development for America. It means the Rule of Law is in serious trouble.
As Americans, we ought not care whether we like or dislike the accused, or whether we agree with the politics of the accused. We ought to be concerned only about the law and its equal and fair application. That’s called the Rule of Law.
Some defend Trump’s indictment by chanting, “no one is above the law.” But that’s only part of the Rule of Law. No one is beneath the law either. And the law should never become a political tool used to torment one’s political adversaries.
During the 2016 presidential campaign there were political rallies where the attendees chanted “lock her up” aimed at Hillary Clinton because of her violations of law regarding classified information. While the Rule of Law isn’t necessarily violated by political chants, it could have been violated had the victor in 2016 used the power he gained in the election to politically target the person he defeated. That’s what they do in third world banana republics. Yet, that did not happen. There was no effort to use the power of government to torment Trump’s political adversary. That was a good sign that the Rule of Law was alive and well.
While it seems, clear Clinton violated the law in how she handled classified information, I was always uncomfortable with the matter breaking down into partisanship. I was no fan of Hillary’s. I did not vote for her. But the Rule of Law matters to me. If the victor in a presidential election is going to use the power of the federal government to legally pursue his political opponents, it must be so obvious that the opponent is guilty of a serious crime and that the prosecution has nothing to do with politics that even the opponent’s supporters can see the validity and the legality of the prosecution.
It is catastrophically harmful for our elections to become a mechanism of bestowing upon the victor the power to legally harass and abuse his political adversaries.  And if this continues, it will destroy America as the Rule of Law is a foundational element to the idea that we are all created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights. To be blunt, Joe Biden, Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray have done more to harm America and the Rule of Law than anyone in our recent history.
Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz, a life-long Democrat and liberal, and a Clinton and Biden voter, said that the Biden DOJ prosecutor Jack Smith had one job to do — to get Trump. That isn’t how the Rule of Law works. Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin described his totalitarian view of the law as — show me the man, and I’ll find the crime. That’s what Smith was assigned to do by Biden and Garland and assisted with by Wray.

FILE – The statement by President Joe Biden’s personal attorney Bob Bauer is photographed on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023. A new poll shows that more U.S. adults disapprove than approve of the way President Joe Biden has handled the discovery of classified documents at his home and former office. Yet that seems to have had little impact on Biden’s overall approval rating.(AP Photo/Jon Elswick, File)

Third world, banana republics and fake democracies with totalitarian dictators use the power of government to eliminate their adversaries. The United States of America cannot devolve into that shameful abuse of power. Yet that is precisely what Joe Biden and his administration have done. If they had an obvious and clear case of criminal wrongdoing, that would be one thing. But what they have is a shockingly weak case given that Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden illegally kept classified documents in such a way that our foreign adversaries likely obtained access to them.
We now know that Hillary’s private server which held classified information was hacked and accessed by foreign adversaries. The boxes and boxes of documents that Biden had illegally kept were stored at his Penn Biden Center which was largely funded by Communist Chinese donations and had Chinese nationals working there. He also kept documents in plain sight where his son, Hunter, lived and partied with a variety of unsavory people. And he kept boxes of documents in numerous other unsecured places as well.
Neither Hillary as Secretary of State or U.S. Senator or Joe Biden as Vice President or U.S. Senator had legal authority to de-classify anything in their possession. So they are clearly guilty of violating the law. But James Comey told us that while Hillary’s actions were a technical violation of the law, no reasonable prosecutor would pursue the case against her.
But suddenly, now we are to believe that reasonable prosecutors would prosecute the very things that only a few short years ago, they would not. This doesn’t pass the “straight face” test.
People like Alan Dershowitz aren’t speaking out because they support Donald Trump. They are speaking out because they support the Rule of Law and do not want to see America devolve into a banana republic.

Trump indictment: Is it A Politically Motivated Action
Madelin Munilla, 67, who came to Miami as a child when her parents fled Fidel Castro’s Cuba, holds up a sign comparing President Joe Biden to Castro and other Latin American leaders at a rally outside the Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. U.S. Courthouse, Tuesday, June 13, 2023, in Miami. (AP Photo/Joshua Goodman)

It is interesting to note that the federal prosecutor whose job it was to “get Trump” — Jack Smith — has a track record of political prosecutions that don’t stand up to scrutiny. For example, he pursued former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell on corruption charges — using novel legal theories. The U.S. Supreme Court rejected those legal theories unanimously. It wasn’t 5-4, or 6-3, or even 7-2. It was unanimous. So, Smith isn’t to be trusted. If you can’t get even one member of the high court to agree with you, it means you’re way, way out there.
No reasonable person is saying that presidential candidates cannot be prosecuted for actual crimes. But we ought to make 100% sure that it doesn’t have the hallmarks of a political prosecution. If they are guilty of a crime, it should be obvious to virtually everyone that the crime is real and serious, and that the prosecution isn’t politically motivated. But the rather obvious politicization and weaponization of the DOJ and FBI by Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Christopher Wray is going to destroy the Rule of Law in America if we don’t put a stop to it. And even if you dislike Donald Trump, you should love America and the Rule of Law enough to say no to politically motivated prosecutions.

More By George Landrith

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Newslooks.com

 Politically Motivated Indictments and the Rule of Law

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