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What to know about soaring tensions between Guyana & Venezuela

A century-old territorial dispute deepened by the discovery of oil is boiling over between neighbors Guyana and Venezuela. Steeped in patriotism, the Venezuelan government is seizing on the fight to boost support ahead of a presidential election among a population fed up with a decade-long crisis that has pushed many into poverty.

Quick Read

Territorial Dispute Between Guyana and Venezuela: A long-standing territorial dispute over the Essequibo region has intensified between Guyana and Venezuela, exacerbated by the discovery of oil.

Venezuelan Referendum: Venezuelans approved a referendum to claim sovereignty over Essequibo, a mineral-rich territory that comprises two-thirds of Guyana.

Historical Context: The dispute dates back to 1899 when an arbitration decision, which Venezuela claims was a conspiracy, determined the boundary. Venezuela argues a 1966 agreement with Britain and British Guiana nullified the original decision.

Significance of Oil Discoveries: The discovery of major oil deposits off Essequibo’s coast in 2015 has heightened Venezuela’s interest in the territory. Guyana has become a significant offshore oil producer, generating substantial revenue.

Impact on Guyana’s Economy: Guyana’s oil industry boom contrasts sharply with Venezuela’s declining oil sector, plagued by mismanagement and sanctions.

Political Motivation: Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is using the Essequibo issue to rally support ahead of the presidential election, amidst internal challenges.

International Reaction: The international community, including the UN Security Council and the Organization of American States, has expressed concern over Venezuela’s aggressive stance, backing Guyana.

Guyana’s Stance: Guyana maintains the 1899 arbitration decision is legally binding and has sought the UN’s top court’s ruling, which is still pending.

Future Tensions: Security analysts anticipate Venezuela may escalate tensions, possibly including naval exercises near Guyana, until its elections.

Guyana’s Warning to Oil Companies: Guyana’s Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo urged oil companies to ignore Maduro’s threats and affirmed Guyana’s commitment to protecting its sovereignty.

Regional and International Meetings: The UN Security Council and Caricom have held meetings to discuss the dispute, emphasizing the growing concern over

The Associated Press has the story:

What to know about soaring tensions between Guyana & Venezuela

Newslooks- CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)

A century-old territorial dispute deepened by the discovery of oil is boiling over between neighbors Guyana and Venezuela. Steeped in patriotism, the Venezuelan government is seizing on the fight to boost support ahead of a presidential election among a population fed up with a decade-long crisis that has pushed many into poverty.

Venezuelan lawmaker Diosdado Cabello holds the new map of Venezuela with the Essequibo territory, a large swath of land that is administered and controlled by Guyana but claimed by Venezuela, during a session at the National Assembly in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Venezuelans on Sunday approved a referendum to claim sovereignty over Essequibo, a mineral-rich territory that accounts for two-thirds of Guyana and lies near big offshore oil deposits. Military confrontation appears unlikely for now, but several countries have echoed Guyana’s concerns over an annexation by its neighbor to the west.

These are some of the key aspects of the growing dispute:


Venezuela says it was the victim of a land theft conspiracy in 1899, when Guyana was a British colony and arbitrators from Britain, Russia and the United States decided the boundary. The U.S. represented Venezuela in part because the Venezuelan government had broken off diplomatic relations with Britain.

Venezuelan lawmaker Diosdado Cabello, looks at a new map of Venezuela with the Essequibo territory, a large swath of land that is administered and controlled by Guyana but claimed by Venezuela, during a session at the National Assembly in Caracas, Venezuela, Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2023. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Venezuelan officials contends Americans and Europeans colluded to cheat their country out of the land. They also argue that an agreement among Venezuela, Britain and the colony of British Guiana signed in 1966 to resolve the dispute effectively nullified the original arbitration.

Guyana maintains the initial accord is legal and binding and asked the United Nations’ top court in 2018 to rule it as such, but a decision is years away.


In 2015, major oil deposits were first discovered off Essequibo’s shore by an ExxonMobil-led consortium, piquing the interest of Venezuela, whose commitment to pursuing the territorial claim has fluctuated over the years.

The consortium began pumping oil in December 2019, converting largely agrarian Guyana into the world’s fourth-largest offshore oil producer. Operations generate some $1 billion a year for the impoverished country of nearly 800,000 people that saw its economy expand by nearly 60% in the first half of this year.

Venezuela has claimed a large swath of Guyana known as the Essequibo region since the 19th century as its own, rejecting the borders decided by international arbitrators in 1899. (AP Graphic)

The current daily production of some 380,000 barrels is expected to hit 800,000 barrels in upcoming years. Guyana’s crude exports were heading largely to the Netherlands and Panama last month, with much of the oil from Panama then re-exported to the U.S. West Coast, according to S&P Global.

In September, Guyana opened bids for 14 additional offshore oil blocks available for exploration and development, with six companies and groups submitting bids. Among them were ExxonMobil, which teamed up again with U.S.-owned Hess Corp and China National Offshore Oil Corp, and French-owned Total Energies, which partnered with companies in Qatar and Malaysia.

Ruling party grassroots organizers known as “Community Leaders” sort documents and propaganda about the Essequibo region, during a referendum about the future of a disputed territory with Guyana, in Caracas, Venezuela, Sunday, Dec. 3, 2023. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

While Guyana’s oil industry has boomed, Venezuela’s has plummeted. Venezuela has the world’s largest proven crude reserves, but its oil industry has been crippled by years of mismanagement and economic sanctions imposed on the state-owned oil company following President Nicolás Maduro’s re-election in 2018, which was widely considered fraudulent.

Venezuela’s National Assembly has not released the text of the law it will use to try to enforce the referendum results. But a portion lawmakers discussed Thursday would ban local and foreign companies from operating in Venezuela if they also do business in Guyana.


For Maduro and his ruling party, the Essequibo dispute is an opportunity to drum up internal support and to distract Venezuelans from U.S. pressure to release political prisoners and wrongfully detained Americans as well as to guarantee free and fair conditions in next year’s presidential election.

President Nicolas Maduro votes in a referendum regarding Venezuela’s claim to the Essequibo, a region administered and controlled by Guyana in Caracas, Venezuela, Sunday, Dec. 3, 2023. Voters will answer five questions about the future of the disputed land, including whether they support turning it into a Venezuelan state. (AP Photo/Matias Delacroix)

Before the Dec. 3 referendum, Venezuelans were bombarded for weeks with Essequibo-themed music, nationally televised history lessons, murals, rallies and social media content.

That appears to have backfired.

The government claims about 10.5 million people — just over half of eligible voters — cast ballots. It says voters approved rejecting “by all means” the 1899 boundary, turning Essequibo into a state, giving area residents Venezuelan citizenship and rejecting the U.N. court’s jurisdiction over the dispute. But Associated Press journalists and witnesses at voting centers said the long lines typical of Venezuelan elections never formed.


International security firm Global Guardian expects Venezuela to gradually ramp up tensions and go as far as conducting naval exercises near Guyana, said Zev Faintuch, a senior intelligence analyst at the firm.

“We might even see some sort of very small scale, cross-border activity,” he said, adding that he expects activities to escalate until elections are held in Venezuela. “Maduro’s interest is to get himself reelected and get some more of his oil onto oil markets.”

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro, left, shows the referendum notification act given to him by National Electoral Council President Elvis Hidrobo Amoroso, during the notification ceremony for the referendum about the future of a disputed territory with Guyana, in Caracas, Venezuela, Monday, Dec. 4, 2023. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

He said that it would be nearly impossible to invade the entire Essequibo region, which is vast, lacks roads and is sparsely populated.

Guyanan Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo on Thursday urged oil companies that have concessions near the Essequibo region to ignore Maduro’s comments and actions and warned Guyana would take any necessary steps to protect its sovereignty.

“Any attempts by his state oil firms or state corporations to explore for petroleum in our area will be viewed as an intrusion by Guyana,” Jagdeo said. “If (Maduro) believes that belligerence and threatening Guyana will lead to the desired bilateral conversations, he is profoundly incorrect.”

Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali.

The U.N. Security Council held an emergency, private meeting on the issue Friday as world leaders and international organizations backed Guyana. Separately, members of a regional trade bloc known as Caricom also called a closed-door meeting Friday to talk about the dispute.

The Organization of American States said in a statement that the 1899 boundary is “in force and legally binding on all parties under international law.” It also accused Maduro’s government of taking an “aggressive stance” and of “continuing to take and promote unlawful actions against Guyana.”

The organization added that it was profoundly worried about the situation, “which has escalated to a point of significant concern for regional security and constitutes a matter that threatens the stability and territorial sovereignty within our hemisphere.”

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